Cataract Treatment Without Surgery

Cataract Treatment Without Surgery

Blindness caused by cataracts is one of the major causes of vision impairments in the elderly. Since time immemorial, the usual treatment for the cataractous eye was always surgery, usually performed by Cataract Surgeon. Many consider cataract surgery frightening, and are wary of the cost associated with Cataract Surgery cost in GhatkoparCataract Surgery cost in Pune, and Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan. However, cataract treatments without surgery have been gaining ground, thanks to advancements in non-surgical treatments in recent times.

What Causes Cataracts?

In the case of cataracts, the lens gets cloudy as proteins combine making a part of the eye’s lens milky or opaque. An opacity or cataract degrades vision as it interferes with the light passing through it on its way to the retina. Usually, cataracts are related to the ageing process which we understand as being a part of growing old. However, other factors such as diabetes, smoking, and exposure to excessive sun or prolonged use of certain medications including steroids can also increase the risks of having cataracts. When it comes to cataracts the most common intervention occurs when the Cataract Surgeon removes the cloudy lens in an operation. But there has been a growing interest in non–operative treatments for those who do not feel comfortable or able to endure going through the knife.

Traditional Cataract Surgery: Still the Gold Standard

Since cataract surgery is so successful, and has little to no recovery time, why not pursue non-surgical treatments. That could delay your need for a Cataract Surgeon to help you see crystal-clear again. The Cataract Surgery cost in KalyanCataract Surgery cost in Pune or Cataract Surgery cost in Ghatkopar can be an obstacle for some. This has led more people to consider non-surgical treatment, as a way to delay — if not avoid — the need for a Cataract Surgeon.

Non-Surgical Cataract Treatment Options

1. Lanosterol Eye Drops

The best non-surgical cataract treatment that is currently in development is the Lanosterol eye drops which are a natural compound to break down the protein aggregations that form cataract. Use of this eye drop would cut down the need for surgery of the Cataract Surgeon by a margin of 90 per cent. Cataracts eye drops are currently in research phase only but in future may be used to treat people who want to avoid the Cataract Surgery cost in Pune, or Cataract Surgery cost in Ghatkopar, or Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan.

2. Can-C Eye Drops (N-Acetylcarnosine)

Can-C eye drops are made up of the antioxidant carnosine, in the form of N-acetylcarnosine, which may actually be able to treat cataracts without the need for surgery. The oxidative stress that breaks down the eye’s lenses might be slowed by these eye drops. If cataracts can be treated with these antioxidant eye drops, many people who feel that Cataract Removal Surgery in Maharashtra would be better left alone due to the hassle and possible operating theatre hospitals will no longer need to shy away from the eye-catching Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan and the Cataract Surgery cost in Ghatkopar.

3. Nutritional Therapy: Vitamins and Antioxidants

Some of these studies show that consuming particular vitamins and antioxidants can slow the effects of cataracts. You could delay surgery and visiting a Cataract Removal Surgery in Maharashtra with the following nutrients integrated into your diet: Vitamin E – found within vegetable oil and fruit. Consume peanuts, peas, avocado, and whole grains.

  1. Vitamin C: Essential for keeping the lens protected from oxidative stress; possibly delays the need for surgery by cataract surgeon.
  2. Vitamin E: It will work together with your Vitamin C to hold back the damage of Cataracts and keep you seeing clearly, and away from the local Ophthalmologist.
  3. Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These are carotenoids that exclusively protect the lens from photochemical damage, perhaps avoiding a Cataract Surgeon’s scalpel altogether.
  4. Zinc: Enhances eye health and reduces the risk of cataract development.


But it is an important message for those who worry about Cataract Surgery cost in Pune, or Cataract Surgery cost in Ghatkopar, because supplementing your diet with these nutrients might help you avoid a visit to a Ophthalmologist in Mumbai.

4. UV-Blocking Sunglasses

The cheapest way in which the patient can prevent the cataracts from getting worse is to wear 100 UV blocking sunglasses. Ocular Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can hasten the onset of cataract formation. Patients who wish to delay cataract surgery for as long as possible can benefit from spending some money on sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays. For a patient who is concerned about the cost of Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan, buying proper sunglasses can be the cheapest and most effective preventive measure, avoiding or deferring the need for a Cataract Surgeon.

5. Lifestyle Adjustments for Cataract Prevention

 If you quit smoking, try to keep your blood sugar in check, and cut back on booze, you can reduce your odds of developing a cataract. Because smoking and excess alcohol both cause oxidative stress to the eye, eliminating these behaviors can slow their progression and possibly delay the occurrence of needing Cataract Removal Surgery in Maharashtra. This can decrease the chance of seeing a Cataract Surgeon in Mumbai, and address the Cataract Surgery cost in GhatkoparCataract Surgery cost in Pune, and Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan.

Why Are Non-Surgical Options Gaining Popularity?

Because of the Cataract Surgery cost in GhatkoparCataract Surgery cost in Pune and Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan, the recovery time of surgery performed by a Cataract Surgeon and the fear of surgery itself, many hopeful patients are opting for non-invasive treatment. Non-invasive procedures require significantly less recovery time, sometimes nothing at all and can be a more affordable option in the long run.

Future Prospects for Cataract Treatment

Researchers are always tinkering to improve treatment, and many new technologies are in development that may one day eliminate the need for a Cataract Surgeon.

Gene Therapy

However Cataracts could one day be permanently cured with gene therapy as this field shows great promise to correct the genetic abnormalities resulting in Cataracts. In the future gene therapy could be successful enough to cure Cataracts thus making Cataract Surgeon an obsolete career.

Smart Lenses

Future smart lenses, which are being developed, aim to restore vision without having to go under the surgeon’s knife, as injection into the eye would be sufficient. Technology may also abolish the worries related to Cataract Surgery cost in KalyanCataract Surgery cost in Ghatkopar and Cataract Surgery cost in Pune.

Cataracts can affect nearly all aspects of vision, but probably the best medical treatment for cataracts has been cataract surgery by a Cataract Surgeon. Unfortunately, the high Cataract Surgery cost in GhatkoparCataract Surgery cost in Pune, and Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan can scare many patients away. As a result of these high costs, new non-surgical treatments like lanosterol eye drops, Can-C eye drops, and nutritional therapy, have become increasingly popular alternatives to surgery. Although these emerging treatments are not enough to replace surgery treatments or Cataract Removal cost in Maharashtra, they have the potential to delay potentially very invasive surgery as long as possible.

 Are you afraid of Cataract and looking for best treatment options with modern intervention! If :Yes’ , then visit Isha Netralaya to take care of your Cataract need and to connect with our top notched Cataract Surgeons for world class treatment options using premium tools at best cost available in Cataract Surgery cost in GhatkoparCataract Surgery cost in Pune and Cataract Surgery cost in Kalyan!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Cataracts cannot remain your vision’s villain. Isha Netralaya offers cataract treatment options to help you see well. Call us today to get an appointment with the Best Cataract Surgeon in India.

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